

Print, Photocopy or use of our computers with Free internet at our self-service kiosk. Great quality in Full colour or black and white printing.

We are situated inside Exact Print in Walworth road SE17 1RL opposite McDonalds’ or adjacent to Walworth road Police station SE17. Easy printing from email, Drive or USB. You can pay with Coins, Notes or phone contactless Cashless.’   ExactKiosk is a self-service business centre kiosks available 7 days a week. We provide users the option to print, copy, use any of our in-house computer to print to A4 or print to A3 quality papers. digital printing

While also in our store, you can save to USB, print from your own devices, mobile phone printing, laptop printing or personal windows computers printing or Apple Mac computers printing to our printers in A4 or A3. You can even download and to save to your USB drive or to email to your recipient.

Pricing starts at £1 and depending on how many print you need, it can be as low as 6p for A4 a print. See our price estimator here. You can chose to print in colour, black or both.
1000 A4 copies (Black) = 8p each
1000 A4 copies (Colour) = 10p each

Digital Photo Printing
Passport Photo booth
Biometric Passport code